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I think the only thing you missed between the two posts is the role that *age* is playing in a lot of this. To somewhat build on my comment on that previous post, a woman who makes the mistake of going to college today, unless she's lucky enough to meet her spouse there, is flushing 4-5 years, half a decade, of her prime dating and childbearing years down a toilet for a career she may not even really WANT but everyone else around her has convinced her she wants, "needs," "should," whatever passive-aggressive nonsense is dumped on HS and college-aged girls these days. By the time she gets out of college, the men who make the best husbands, have the best sexual discipline, etc. are already married, already locked down their wives.

If you're "traditional," dating after 30 is a joke or a unicorn. After 35? Your options are divorcees. Past 40? Wait for the widowers, I guess. Single men wanting that TLS marry YOUNG, even now, and even "traditional" women often don't realize that. Get your degree at 45 if you insist on doing so, but have your babies when God meant you to and when the GOOD men are still available.

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